Take advice from fuckups.they're the only ones that can tell you about the bottom & how to avoid it


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My love/hate relationship with cock bearers

I love me a good dose of penis. I can't lie and say that I don't. However, I hate the way the male's mind works. I hate that just because a guy knows I love vagina they automatically assume I have the same taste (or lack therof) in women that they do. I'm tired of getting the elbow nudge and point over a generic-ass hot girl like "hey, look at that". Nigga, like I give a fuck. I don't know that bitch and there's nothing interesting about the fact that she has what every swingin' dick would consider hot. It's hard to explain, but I'll do my best to. Men have no taste when it comes to what they consider attractive. Anything thin and dressed like a skank can be labelled as beautiful by a man where for a woman to be considered "hot" by my standards, I have to hear them speak in order to determine whether or not they're intelligent, they have to have distinctive features in the face and body, and they have to have a tasteful sense of style. I'm also a face person. No matter how much I love big bouncy titties and asses, that isn't worth a fuck to me if the girl possessing them doesn't have an interesting face to go along with it. In fact, I can ignore a girl's fat rolls, cellulite, scars, and other physical flaws if she has a pretty face. As far as television, pornography, and other imagery goes, anything displaying a bunch of naked, bikini-clad, striiper-clothed, or lingerie-draped sluts is a huge turn on for dudes, when I just consider hoez like that a dime-a-dozen, completely non-intriguing, and boring. I'm so tired of fucking MAN shows full of "hot" girls and dumb MAN jokes.

Aside from all of the physical attraction bullshit, men make some of the dumbest excuses for their behavior. In fact, the only excuse they have more times than not is simply "I did (whatever) cos, uhm, well, I'm a dude." I don't understand how a dude can stick his dick in a bitch that he despises. There ain't no way in hell I'd let anyone I hate get near my genitals nor would I get near theirs. I don't care how hard up I am. My sexual oraphices are special to me and I have to have some level of respect for someone to allow them to reap the benefits they are capable of giving. As women, we of course all have the fear of being labelled the "nagging bitch" by our significant others. To a guy the term "nagging bitch" could mean that a female simply opened her mouth, acknowledged the fact that she felt an emotion, or had an opinion. I'm not denying the fact that there are naggy women out there...but for every one of them there are just as many naggy, or should I say whiney-ass dudes. I'm also so sick of men being allowed to make inappropriate comments in our presence about other women or about us. Unless we respond with a giggle or no response at all, then we're "over-reacting", or "blowing things out of proportion". Never mind the fact that our feelings may have been hurt. "Sorry, honey, I'M A GUY..." Fuck you. How would y'all like it if we complained to your face about an inconsistency in your sexual performance, pointed out your physical flaws, or talked about how wet we got over another guy? You know god damned good and well you'd get your feelings hurt and that you would probably make a comment about it in one way or another. However, if a woman does this, you guys disregard the fact that she's HUMAN and credit our reaction to being female. I like to think that I'm pretty good about judging when and where my opinions are wanted or needed, but I still fall victim to this whole dilemma.
As far as the "I'm a guy" crap goes, I don't think men would like it too much if every time we fucked up we just shrugged our shoulders and said our actions were taken out of having a cunt.

Men are fucking nasty, inconsiderate, ignorant, selfish sluts.

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